KW21(Algae Culture Solution)

This popular product is very useful for culturing algae.

There is no need to mix with additional minerals and other nutrients, so this product helps in reducing large operations and saving time.

Brine Shrimp Eggs

Our brine shrimp eggs are made using a special Chinese product management system guaranteeing over 90% hatchability and certainty for our customers.

Compared to Utar eggs our products have a higher EPA, 

and regardless of whether used with fish or crustaceans are one of our most popular products.

Frozen Chinese Copepods

Simply putting these decapsulated brine shrimp eggs in a culture tank for hatching will easily create clean artemia.

This product reduces the number of living bacteria, saving time and makeing handling easier.

There is no need to remove after use, so it is possible to do secondary reinforcement.

Rotifer Diet "Emerald"


-Spray dried fine Chlorella powder     

-Axenic culture production (Patent number 10-0193748)

-Suitable for high and low density rotifer cultivation

-Long shelf life

-Stable production over year

Product specification

Cell size: 2-10 μm

Vitamin B12: >10μg/g

How to use Daesang Chlorella powder in rotifer cultivation


'-Blend Chlorella with fresh water using electric mixer for at least 5 minutes.

 *The maximum mixing ratio of the Chlorella powder is up to 120g/1L


-Temperature: 26.5-28℃

-Salinity: 18-25ppt

-Concentration of oxygen: Over 4ppm

-Recommended initial rotifer density: 200-500 ind./ml

-Feeding amounts: 0.6~0.8g / million rotifers/ day

Feeding manner

1. Use peristaltic pump for continuous feeding (recommended) or feed 4-6 times/day intermittently.

2. When floating dregs are seen, reduce feeding amount.

Shelf life & Storage

Shelf life: 24 months from production date.

Storage: Store at cool and dark place.

 *Consume as soon as possible after opening.

Typical growth performance with using Chlorella powder

Shelf life & Storage